15 Excel Tips for Becoming a Spreadsheet Pro

You use Excel every day to manage budgets, track sales data, or organize employee schedules.

But what if you could use Excel in ways that go beyond the basics?

Start with the Shortcuts

Did you know that there are keyboard shortcuts for just about everything in Excel? If you want to become a spreadsheet pro, then you need to start using them!

Here are some of our favorite keyboard shortcuts:

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac

  • Select all cells: cmd + a
  • Cut selected cells: cmd + x
  • Copy selected cells: cmd + c
  • Paste copied or cut cells: cmd + v
  • Insert new row: cmd + shift + “+”
  • Delete row: cmd + shift + “-“
  • Insert new column: cmd + option + “+”
  • Delete column: cmd + option + “-“
  • Autofill cells: cmd + d
  • Undo last action: cmd + z
  • Redo last undone action: cmd + y or cmd + shift + z
  • Find and replace: cmd + f
  • Go to cell…: cmd + g
  • Open function list: fn + F3
  • Save workbook: cmd + s
  • Print workbook: cmd + p
  • Quit Excel: cmd + q

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

  • Select all cells: ctrl + a
  • Cut selected cells: ctrl + x
  • Copy selected cells: ctrl + c
  • Paste copied or cut cells: ctrl + v
  • Insert new row: ctrl + shift + “+”
  • Delete row: ctrl + shift + “-“
  • Insert new column: ctrl + alt + “+”
  • Delete column: ctrl + alt + “-“
  • Autofill cells: ctrl + d
  • Undo last action: ctrl + z
  • Redo last undone action: ctrl + y or ctrl + shift + z
  • Find and replace: ctrl + f
  • Go to cell…: ctrl + g
  • Open function list: alt + F3
  • Save workbook: ctrl + s
  • Print workbook: ctrl + p
  • Quit Excel: alt + F4

These are only the basic shortcuts, but they will help you get started on your way to becoming a spreadsheet pro!

Microsoft Excel is a powerful program with endless possibilities. But for many users, it’s nothing more than a way to keep track of their to-do lists or create simple charts and graphs.

If you’re one of those people who feel like they’re only scratching the surface of what Excel can do, then this article is for you. We’ve compiled a list of 15 formulas that we think every Excel user should know.

15 Excel Formulas You’ll Definitely Need

Formulas are the key to unlocking the power of Excel. By learning how to use formulas, you can perform calculations on data, automate tasks, and make your spreadsheets more interactive. Formulas can seem daunting at first, but with a little practice, they will become second nature.

  1. SUM: This function adds up all the values in a given range of cells. For example, if you have a column of numbers and you want to find the sum of all those numbers, you would use the SUM formula.
  1. AVERAGE: This function finds the average of all the values in a given range of cells. So if you have a column of numbers and you want to find the average of those numbers, you would use the AVERAGE formula.
  1. COUNT: This function counts the number of cells in a given range that contain numerical values. So if you want to know how many cells in a column contain numbers, you would use the COUNT formula.
  1. MAX: This function returns the largest value in a given range of cells. So if you have a column of numbers and you want to find the largest number, you would use the MAX formula.
  1. MIN: This function returns the smallest value in a given range of cells. So if you have a column of numbers and you want to find the smallest number, you would use the MIN formula.
  1. IF: This function allows you to perform different actions depending on whether a certain condition is met or not. For example, you could use the IF function to specify that if a cell contains a number greater than 10, then that number should be multiplied by 2.
  1. VLOOKUP: This function allows you to look up values in a table based on given criteria. For example, if you have a table of data with customer names and addresses, you could use the VLOOKUP function to find the address of a specific customer.
  1. INDEX/MATCH: This function is similar to VLOOKUP, but it’s more flexible and can be used in situations where VLOOKUP cannot. For example, if you have a table of data that contains both text and numbers, you can use INDEX/MATCH to look up a specific value.
  1. HLOOKUP: This function is similar to VLOOKUP, but it looks up values horizontally instead of vertically. So if you have a table of data that is arranged in rows instead of columns, you can use HLOOKUP to look up a specific value.
  1. CHOOSE: This function allows you to choose a value from a list of values based on a given index number. For example, if you have a list of names and you want to choose the name that is in the third position, you would use the CHOOSE function.
  1. RANDBETWEEN: This function returns a random number between two given numbers. For example, if you want to generate a random number between 1 and 10, you would use the RANDBETWEEN function.
  1. NOW: This function returns the current date and time. So if you want to insert the current date and time into a cell, you would use the NOW function.
  1. DAY: This function returns the day of the month for a given date. So if you have a cell that contains a date (e.g. 3/15/2016), and you want to know what day of the month that is, you would use the DAY function.
  1. MONTH: This function returns the month of the year for a given date. So if you have a cell that contains a date (e.g. 3/15/2016), and you want to know what month that is, you would use the MONTH function.
  1. YEAR: This function returns the year for a given date. So if you have a cell that contains a date (e.g. 3/15/2016), and you want to know what year that is, you would use the YEAR function.

These are just some of the most commonly used formulas in Excel. There are many more formulas that you can learn, and you can even create your own custom formulas.

More Tips to Get You Started in the Right Direction with Excel

Learn how to use the various features of Excel. This will help you get the most out of the software.

  • Use templates. They can save you a lot of time and effort when creating new spreadsheets.
  • Use formulas. They can help you automate tasks and make complex calculations.
  • Use filters. They can help you find the data you need quickly and easily.
  • Use conditional formatting. It can help you highlight important data or spot trends.
  • Use pivot tables. They can help you summarize and analyze data.
  • Use charts and graphs. They can help you visualize data and see relationships between different elements.
  • Use the goal seek feature. It can help you find the optimal solution to a problem.
  • Use the Solver tool. It can help you find the best possible solution to a complex problem.
  • Use the macro recorder. It can help you automate repetitive tasks.
  • Use the power of VBA. It can help you customize and extend Excel’s functionality.
  • Use online resources. There are a wealth of online tutorials and tips that can help you become an Excel pro.
  • Stay up to date. Excel is constantly evolving. Keep up with the latest features and best practices.
  • Get certified. Getting certified in Excel can help you demonstrate your expertise to potential employers.

How Long to Become Excel Pro?

It takes a lot of practice and dedication to become an Excel pro. Depending on how much time you are willing to put in, it could take months or even years. The key is to keep practicing and expanding your knowledge so that you can eventually become an expert at using this powerful tool.

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