Do you know if your drivers should be updated? Do you have unexplained computer problems? And how do you update drivers in Windows 10?
A driver is a piece of software that communicates with your hardware in order for it to function with your operating system. If you’re experiencing system issues, such as a printer not working or games crashing, it’s possible that your drivers need to be updated.
There are drivers available for your video card, audio, motherboard, and many other devices. However, you do not always need to update your drivers for the sake of updating them. If everything is working properly on your system, you may be better off leaving them alone. If they do need to be updated, we’ve compiled a list of options to assist you.
After that, please let us know what methods you use to update your outdated drivers in the comments section.
Use the Windows CMD to See All Installed Drivers
It is possible that we require a complete list of drivers installed on the same device. The Device Manager, as you know, does not allow us to do this; its purpose is to allow us to manage the drivers one by one. At this point, it is critical to understand that we can accomplish this without the use of third-party applications.
In short, it all boils down to the execution of a command that we can type into the command prompt window. We can easily obtain a complete list of the drivers installed on the computer this way. As a result, the first thing we must do is navigate to this section, the command prompt. There are several methods, but one of the quickest is to type CMD in the box after pressing the Win + R key combination.
This will take us to the previously mentioned command window, where we can type the order that displays all Windows 10 drivers. So, all we need to do is write the driverquery command to get a list of corresponding drivers.

Avoid Third-Party Software
There is a lot of third-party software available that claims to scan your system and update all of the drivers at once. They should not be used. The methods described above are risk-free. I have yet to come across any third-party utilities that I would consider truly reputable and that do not include adware, install outdated drivers, or obtain them from questionable sources.
Besides, your drivers shouldn’t need to be updated all that frequently. The short amount of time required to perform the aforementioned methods is far preferable to risking a third-party tool that could potentially muck up your system.