How to Add a Location-Based Alert in Reminders iPhone — One of the utility apps that makes our life easier in iPhone is Reminders. The app allows us to remind us about some things that we need to do at a certain period of time. For example, we need to visit grandma after work. We can set a reminder on the Reminders app using the iPhone’s GPS. If you are using iCloud, the reminder list will be synced automatically on all of your Apple devices. If you don’t know yet how to add a location alert to your reminder, I will show you that in detail in the next paragraph.
How to Add a Location-Based Alert in Reminders iPhone
Here are the steps of How to Add a Location-Based Alert in Reminders iPhone for you to follow:
- First, grap your iPhone and open the Reminders app.
- Tap on the one of the reminders item.
- Then, tap the i button next to the reminder item you chose.
- After that, switc on the Remind me at location toggle.
- Now, set the location.
- Once you finish setting the location, tap the Done button on top-right corner of the screen.

That’s it. Know you know How to Add a Location-Based Alert in Reminders iPhone and I hope this article is helpful for you. Don’t forget to share this with your family and friends so they will know how to solve the same problem. Let me know in the comment section below if you have any difficulties in following the steps. Please also do so if you have any questions that are related to the topic. I will be so happy to answer and help you out.
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