You could limit the space used by the Recycle Bin in previous versions of Windows. However, with Windows 10, you can also schedule the trash to be empty. Of course, earlier versions of Windows also allowed you to empty the Recycle Bin on the fly, which hasn’t changed with Windows 10. However, if you despise manually emptying the Recycle Bin, we have the perfect solution.
Auto Recycle Bin is the ideal program for resolving this issue. We can use it to avoid keeping files in the bin for days, weeks, or even months, even if they are not required.
While we believe that deleting files and placing them in the trash can save space, we are mistaken. These files are kept on our computer and take up the same space as if we had not deleted them, so they must be permanently deleted from the trash can or using the program mentioned above.
How to Automatically Empty the Recycle Bin at Windows 10 Start-Up
This tutorial will show you how to use the Windows 10 Storage Sense feature to automatically delete the trash from the Recycle Bin. It will not only give you more storage space for apps and games, but it will also keep your PC clean.
Automatically Empty Recycle Bin on Schedule in Windows 10
The simplest way to empty the Recycle Bin regularly is to use a Windows feature called Storage Sense. Here’s how you use it:
- Click System in the Settings menu (Windows Key + I).
- Select Storage from the left pane, and then enable Storage Sense. Now, select “Configure Storage Sense or start it now.” You can specify how frequently Windows 10 should empty the Recycle Bin automatically.
- Next, select Temporary Files from the drop-down menu below “Delete files in my recycle bin if they have been there for more than” You can specify how frequently Windows 10 should delete Recycle Bin files on your PC.
- As you can see, there are options ranging from 1 day to 60 days. Choose the one that best meets your requirements. You can also choose ‘Never’ if you never want to restore any deleted files from the Recycle Bin.

That’s all! All Recycle Bin files and folders on your Windows 10 computer will now be deleted automatically based on the time frame you specify.
We hope you can reclaim some storage space on your Windows 10 computer now that you know how to automatically delete Recycle Bin files. Check out our beneficial guide related to Windows 10 here.