How to Make an Invisible Discord Name on Android and iPhone — Having a visible Discord account allows us to be reached by any people from anywhere whether they are the people we know or the strangers. In order to protect our account and ourselves from any possibility of negative things, it is better to make our discord account invisible. To make our account invisible, we need to make our name invisible too. Once our account is invisible, people won’t be able to search for our account.
How to Make an Invisible Discord Name on Android and iPhone
Here are the steps of How to Make an Invisible Discord Name on Android and iPhone that you can read and follow. Before you start, please note that this tutorial is applied to Discord mobile apps, not for the website version. So, please do not try this on the website or you will find a lot of different results there.
- First, launch the Discord on your Android smartphone or iPhone.
- Then, tap the profile tab on the right-bottom corner.
- After that, tap the My Account menu on an Android smartphone, or Account on iPhone.
- Next, tap on the Username.
- Copy and paste the characters “˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞ ” (tilde) to the Username field.
- Tap the save icon button on Android, and tap the Save button on iPhone.
- Now, input your discord password and tap the save icon button on Android or Done button on iPhone.

Well, this is the last section of the tutorial. I hope you find this tutorial useful. Let your buddies know about this trick. So, they can make an invisible Discord name on Android and iPhone.
Let me know in the comment section below if you found any difficulties in following the steps, or if you have any questions that are related to the topic that is being discussed, I will be happy to answer and help you out.
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