How to Delete Contact on Telegram on iPhone and Android Smartphone — Have you ever deleted a contact on your smartphone but it still appears on Telegram? If you have, perhaps it makes you annoyed. Actually, if you want to delete a contact and make it doesn’t appear on Telegram you have to delete it manually through Telegram itself. The way in deleting the Telegram contact is not complicated. Basically, you just need to open the detail of the contact and choose the option of deleting it. To know the detailed way, let’s move to the next paragraph.
Here are the steps of How to Delete Contact on Telegram on iPhone and Android Smartphone
On iPhone
- Launch Telegram on your iPhone.
- Tap the Edit button on the top-left corner.
- Then, tap the Contact tab.
- You will see the search handle there. Input the name or the telegram id of the user.
- After that, open the detail contact.
- Now, tap the Edit button in the top-right corner.
- Tap the Delete Contact.
- Confirm the pop-up and the contact will be deleted successfully.

On Android
- Launch Telegram on your Android smartphone.
- Tap the three-line button in the top-left corner of the screen.
- Then, select the Contacts menu.
- On the search handle, type the name or the telegram id of the user that you want to delete the contact.
- After that open the detail of the contact.
- Now, tap the three-dot button on the top-right corner.
- Tap the Delete contact option.

Well, this is the last section of the tutorial. I hope you find this tutorial useful. Let your family and friends know about this article. So they know how to do the same thing when they need it.
Let me know in the comment section below if you found any difficulties in following the steps, or if you have any questions that are related to the topic that is being discussed, I will be happy to answer and help you out.
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