Telegram is a cloud-based messaging app with a focus on security and speed. The core functionalities of this app is similar with WhatsApp. Telegram is commonly used in smartphone, but it can also used in Mac. On smartphone, especially iPhone we can easily get this app through App Store. On the Mac, basically there are two ways that we can follow in using Telegram in MacBook.
Here, I show you the 2 Alternative Ways to Use Telegram on Your Mac and MacBook step by step
Via Website: Visit > Scan barcode using mobile app/Click Login by phone number > Select country, & input phone number > Click Next > Input Code
Via Desktop App: Download & install Telegram from > Launch app > Scan the barcode using mobile app/Click Login by phone number > Select country,
& input phone number > Click Next > Input Code
Using Telegram on Mac or MacBook via Website and Desktop App
Through Website
1. Visit on your MacBook browser.
2. You will see that the site is showing QR Code there.

3. Now, launch your telegram on your iPhone.
4. Open Settings, tap the Devices menu.

5. Tap Scan QR Code under the Active Session section.

6. After you arrived at the Log in by QR Code, tap the Scan QR Code button.
7. Now, scan the QR Code on your MacBook that you saw on the step-2 previously. If it is successful you will be logged in to your Telegram account.
8. If it is unsuccessful, on the web (on your MacBook) click LOG IN BY PHONE NUMBER on the site under the QR Code.
9. Then, choose your Country and input your Phone Number.
10. Before you hit the LOG IN BY QR CODE, please consider whether you want your Telegram account to keep signed in or not. If you do, tick the Keep me signed in check box. If you don’t just leave it unticked.
11. Please make sure that the phon e number you input previously is correct before you click log in.
12. Now, check the code that is sent to the Telegram on your iPhone.
13. If you didn’t receive any code, and you found that the number you input on Telegram website previously is incorrect, click the pen button, correct it then repeat the step again.
14. After you receive the code, enter the code to the field on Telegram website.
15. Once it is successful, you will be logged in to your account.
Install The App
1. Visit on your MacBook browser.
2. Download the app by clicking the Get Telegram for macOS or Mac App Store Version.
3. When the download process has done, install it to your MacBook.
4. Then, launch Telegram for desktop on your MacBook.
5. Just like access the Telegram on web, you will see two ways of login there. Using QR Code and with phone number.
6. Scan the QR Code using Telegram on your iPhone if you want to log in using QR Code.
7. Input your phone number if you want to log in using phone number.
8. You will receive a code to log in if you chose to log in with phone number previously.
9. Once the process has been successful, you will be logged in to your Telegram account.
Hope this article is helpful for you. If you have any question related to MacBook usage, don’t hesitate to ask it out through the comment section below.
As always, stay healthy, stay safe and see you on the next article. :))
Can I use this app if I don’t want it on my phone but just access from my Mac only?