How to Prevent People From Adding You to WhatsApp Group — WhatsApp is the instant messaging app with the largest number of users in the world. Around a few months ago it released a feature that is enabled us to prevent people from adding us to the WhatsApp group without our permission. Those who have some bad experiences related to this will be pro with the feature. They will no longer be invited to some random groups by anybody who has their WhatsApp contact. To know how to use the feature, please follow the steps that are provided below.
Here are the steps of How to Prevent People From Adding You to WhatsApp Group that you can follow:
In Android
- Launch WhatsApp on your Android smartphone.
- Tap the three-dot button on the top-right corner.
- After that, tap the Account menu.
- Now, choose the Privacy menu.
- Find the Groups choice, then tap it.
- Then you will see three choices. Those are Everyone, My contacts, My contacts except… . Here, you can choose My contacts or My contact except… .
- Last, tap the DONE button on the bottom of the screen to save the change you made.

In iOS
- Launch WhatsApp on your iPhone.
- Then, tap the Settings menu on the bottom-right corner.
- After that, tap Account, the first menu of the second section.
- On the top of the first section, you will see the Privacy menu, tap it.
- Now, modify the Groups choice.
- There is consist of three choices. You can choose My Contacts or My Contacts Except… .

Finish! Now you know How to Prevent People From Adding You to WhatsApp Group. Share this article with your family and friends so they will know how to solve the same issue if one day they have to deal with it. Let me know in the comment section below if there are any questions or problems that you have related to the topic. I will be so happy to answer and help you out.
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